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Well, try to imagine being a single grain of rice on the rim of the
universe biggest wok. That's about the scale of things here.
Some part of me is terrified that a gigantic sugar snap pea is going
to come plummeting out of the sky and crush me.
(Not a very rational fear, I know... but then, two days ago, I wouldn't
have thought "spaceship crash" was a very rational fear.)
Anyhow. The crater's opposite side is in sight. I'm gonna buckle down,
grit my teeth, and keep truckin' my way on over there.
Thanks for the pep talk. I'll message you in a bit.
[Taylor is busy]
Well, it actually didn't take as long to trek around the edge of
the crater as I thought it might.
Here's the strange thing, though: Maybe fifty yards back, I tripped
over something while I was walking.
(Yeah, I know. I've been so graceful so far, it must be hard for
you to believe.)
Anyway, it was pretty well buried in the sand, but when I looked
down at it... it glinted at me in the sun.
Because it was METAL.
It took me a minute to dig it up, and I've been examining it ever since,
but I'm still not sure what it is, exactly.
I mean, I guess it's GOT to be a panel from the Varia... it's just weird
that it came down so far from the rest of the ship, huh?
Anyhow. I'm pretty much directly opposite the point where I started
circling this crates, so I guess it's time to keep heading north.
What a long, strange, clockwise trip it's been.
[Taylor is Busy]
Um. So. Here's something.
On this side of the crater, there's a little ridge.
And on that little ridge, there are more little pieces of metal.
Like, SEVERAL more.
And then, just on the other side of that little ridge -- where
you can't see it until you've crested the little ridge --
There's, um...
...there's a spaceship.
[Taylor is Busy]
So... yeah. It's a good thing that the air here is okay to breathe,
because I've been hyperventilating it for the last minute or so.
What the hell? I mean... I mean, what the hell? Seriously,
just, what the hell?
(I was a science student, not an English student. Forgive me.)
From up here, I can tell it's a much smaller ship than the Varia
-- it's what I think they call a caravel class vessel.
It would've had half a dozen crew, tops, making quick runs
with minimal armament.
Minimal defenses.
What is it doing here? How long has it been here?
The engine looks like it was just... SHEARED from the rest of the ship.
Did they collide with space debris, maybe?
God. I have about a million questions.
Should I go down there and explore the wreckage, do you think?
Or do I keep to higher ground, and stay the hell away from that
ship and whatever brought it out of the sky?


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